Rotary Club of Borovli, Borivali, Boriwali, Dist 3140, India               2              
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Rotary Projects : Year 2010-11

2nd July 2010 Regular Meeting  : Chief Guest PP Umesh Soni

Venue : Hotel Granville, Borivli (West), Mumbai.
Time : 8.00 pm
Speaker : PP Umesh Soni
Topic : Mount Kailash - Jewel of the Snow

Good fellowship enjoyed between 8.00 - 8.30

Sergeant Jayesh requested President Ashok to start the meeting and collared him. The meeting was called to order and the National Anthem was sung. Pres Ashok welcomed the members and guests and requested Rtn Lalit to escort the chief guest PP Umesh to the dias. The Rotary formalities followed- Details of projects,  birthdays and  anniversaries. Rtn Harish appraised the meeting of the project of Adoption of School children of Nalanda English School. PP Hemant invited the members to a lecture meeting on the seven habits. PP Rajendra presented cheqe for donation towards TRF ($1,000), Vocational Train ing (Rs 5000) & Dr S.S.Pandya Loan Scholarship (Rs 5000).
Rtn Mayank introduced the speaker. PP Umesh then made his presentation which took the people present on a virtual tour of mansarovar and mount kailash. It was very lucid, informative and full of practical tips  

IPP Manish informed about the Certificate recd for polio plus which was presented by PDG Bharat to our polio team - Rtns Sudam, Ashwin, Mona and Hetal and Vaishakhi (daughter of Sudambhai). Flags exchanged by our members (PDG BharatR.C.Pune South and Rtn Lalit-R C Fremont ) who had visited other clubs were presented to Pres Ashok.  In the last meeting Pres Ashok had made an appeal to the members that if each member is able to collect Rs 1 lakh each then the dream of our Service centre would come true faster. Rtn Umesh is the 1st to respond to this appeal and the cheque for Rs 1 lakh was handed over by his father to Pres Ashok.
PP Chetan gave details of the upcoming picnic on 20-21-22 Aug at Mystic Valley Spa Resort, Igatpuri, which has been very attractively priced at Rs 4750 per person (11 + years) with children 5 to 11 years being charged 2500 only and requested the members to book early since booking will close on 9th August.

IWPP Sudha presented Pres Ashok with a photograph of Mt Kailash. After the secretarial announcement and vote of thank by Rtn Ashwin the Pres adjourned the meeting and invited all for dinner. Today's meeting was sponsored by PP Umesh in celebration of his 50th birthday.

Attendance - Rotarians 41,  Anns & guests 20 - Total 61


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