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Rotary Projects : Year 2008 - 2009

17th April 2009 Meeting : New Member Induction and Eye Awareness Skit

Member Induction and Eye awareness Skit
Venue: St. Francis Management Institute Hall, Borivli (West).

Timing: 8.30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.

Event Details

PDG Dr. Bharat Pandya inducted fantastic couple as new member of  our clubry. Mr. Hetal Desai and Mrs. Bhairavi Desai are proposed by Membership Director Mayank Desai. Dr. Bharat Pandya inspired new and existing member to enjoy rotary to help and serve Rotary.

Our own Rotarians have presented a very interesting Skit to demonstrate EYE DONATION procedure. The idea was to remove misconception regarding eye donation and to make Rotarian understand the details so that we can confidently spread the message of Eye Donation.

Also find photos of our club members participated in various district program.


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